Exiting Traffic Pattern
In an effort to increase student & community safety the exit from Manor onto Penn Valley Road will now be a Right Turn Only during arrival and dismissal times. This change will eliminate the dangerous situation that exists when vehicles attempt to enter and exit our lot from opposite directions. In addition, this change will help to increase the traffic flow of our parking lot reducing the wait time that currently exists and eliminating the interference with our students who cross Penn Valley Road towards North Park. A sign indicating this new policy has been installed near Manor's exit to alert our community.
Student Arrival by vehicle:
- As you enter the school from Penn Valley Road turn right to follow the parent drop-off loop to the student drop off stop line located in front of the Gym area.
- Never park in the crosswalk.
- Children should always exit cars on the passenger/curb side of your vehicle.
- If you need to enter the building for any reason, park in a designated space in the parking lot.
- Do Not Park in the drop-off lane and leave your car unattended.
- Pull forward to the student drop-off stop line when dropping off your child to allow for as many parents as possible to drop their children off at the same time.
- Parents/guardians must enter the building to sign in their child after 9:00 AM.
Dismissal Times :
We begin the dismissal of our students at approximately 3:30 and by 3:40 all students have been dismissed. The order of our dismissal procedures are as follows:
- Buses and shuttles
- Students being picked up by vehicle through Manor's main entrance
- Thornridge Walkers through the side cafeteria exit at the playground
- Birch Valley Walkers through the front door
Kindergarten Dismissal (PM):
All kindergarten students will be dismissed from the Main Door entrance. We will continue to ask parents to meet their kindergarten children at the Main Doors where the classroom teacher will release each student to his or her parents. If your child will be escorted by an older sibling at dismissal, they will continue to exit the building at the Main Doors. This dismissal will occur at approximately 3:25 PM.
Parents who meet their children at Manor for PM dismissal:
To allow our students a clear path to their bus, shuttle, or parent we ask that all parents or guardians who are waiting for their child NOT to go past the 50 th Anniversary Manor Benches unless you are the parent of a kindergarten student.
Parents of Thornridge Walkers:
If you plan on meeting your child at school to walk home please wait at the playground adjacent to our building near the cafeteria. This is the playground that students cross to reach the Thornridge section. There is a clearly identified crosswalk for students to utilize and an ample amount of room for parents to wait for their children at this location.
As a reminder, ONLY students in third, fourth, and fifth grade are permitted to ride a bike or scooter to school as long as we have a permission slip signed by their parent on file. In addition, students are reminded to wear their helmets and to WALK their bike or scooter through the dismissal area.
Dog & Pet Owners :
While many of us own dogs (including myself), bringing dogs or pets to our dismissal area is NOT permitted. Dogs can become startled at the sight of our students, buses, vehicles, parents, and other dogs. This, in turn, can present a situation for our students (especially our younger students) that is not safe.
Changes in Your Child's Dismissal Plans:
Any change that is made in your child"s dismissal plan must be indicated in writing for your child's teacher. This could include a change in how your child leaves (walker vs. vehicle rider) or even a change in who your child is leaving with for the day. If a student is planning to go home with a friend and arrangements have been made between both sets of parents we require that both students have notes from their parents indicating what the dismissal arrangement change that has been made for that day.