Safe Arrival

Safe Arrival Student Absence Reporting System
Posted on 10/10/2024
Safe Arrival

Regular school attendance is an important element for success in school. When a student is frequently absent, tardy, or dismissed early from school, students lose valuable instructional time. Because regular attendance is necessary for students to succeed in school, the Pennsbury School District encourages all parents and guardians to stress the importance of punctuality and regular attendance with their children. Our Student Conduct of Conduct sets forth the attendance policy for the District. Effective with the 2020-2021 school year, a child must comply with compulsory attendance requirements from age 6 to 18. 

The Pennsbury School District prioritizes the safe arrival of all students at each school each day. We are now pleased to offer an efficient student absence reporting system called Safe Arrival to support our efforts.

Safe Arrival gives parents 3 options to report an absence (directions for each option are listed below):

  • Phone
  • School Messenger App
  • SchoolMessenger Website 

This system will be available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. Future absences can also be reported in advance. Parents/Guardians who report their child's absences using the Safe Arrival system will NOT receive a call from our automated attendance system. Additionally, parents/guardians who report their child's absences using the Safe Arrival system will NOT be required to send in an additional absence note, as the reporting system will count as the note.

Safe Arrival uses our student information system (PowerSchool) to verify all accounts, so it is important that parents/guardians use the same email address on file in PowerSchool when creating their Safe Arrival account.




  1. Download the SM Home app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Create an account using the email address on file with your child's school.
  3. Select "Attendance" from the menu, and then select "Report an Absence."


  1. Log on to
  2. Create an account using the email address on file with your child's school.
  3. Select "Attendance" from the menu, and then select "Report an Absence."


  1. Call 1-866-318-3517
  2. Follow the prompts to report an absence.


  • Your username and password are the same for both the mobile app and the website.
  • Options for reporting are available anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, up to the cutoff time on the day of the absence (11:45 p.m.). If you do not report your child's absence in Safe Arrival by 11:45 p.m. on the day of the absence, you will need to email the attendance office at your child's school within 3 days to report the absence.  
  • In the event of an unreported absence in Safe Arrival, the SchoolMessenger Communicate automated notification system will contact parents/guardians via email, text (if opted in to receive texts), and phone. The phone number that will appear on your caller ID is 866-318-3517. If you report your child's absence in Safe Arrival before the start of the school day, you will not receive these notifications, and you will not need to supply a note to your child's school's attendance email. (See list below)
  • Educational trips can not be reported through Safe Arrival.  Please complete the necessary forms found on the attendance webpage and obtain permission from your building principal. 


Visit our Pennsbury School District Attendance page for more information.