Manor Principal Search

Manor Principal Search Update
Posted on 01/09/2025
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January 8, 2025

Dear Manor Elementary Families,

As you know, Mrs.Terri Salvucci announced that she will retire at the end of January. We appreciate her impact on countless students and families during her time at Manor. She will be missed and we wish her a wonderful retirement. I would like to take this opportunity to review the plan for finding a new principal for Manor Elementary School. 

I am pleased to share that retired elementary principal, Mrs. Donna McCormick-Miller, will return to Pennsbury in late January to serve as the principal of Manor Elementary School while we complete a thorough search. Mrs. McCormick-Miller most recently served as principal of Makefield Elementary School before retiring from Pennsbury. She will be hosting a meet and greet for Manor families on February 6 at 6:00 pm.  Please stop by and say hello.

The Manor Elementary School principal position will be advertised and candidates will be interviewed by a committee of Manor parents, staff, and District administrators. Updates will be shared before we advertise the position.

We are thankful for Mrs. Salvucci’s commitment to the staff and families of Manor Elementary. We are committed to finding the right individual who will support our outstanding students and the excellent work of Manor Elementary staff members.  


Thomas A. Smith, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
[email protected]